Apr 2024

RangeAg Release Notes April 2024

Executive Summary:

We focused on enhancing the efficiency and user experience of RangeAg. We started laying the groundwork to upload Comparables. We also enhanced error handling for better system robustness. Lastly, we implement interface improvements for easier navigation and understanding of reports.  

Upload Comparable Sales

•Manual Comp Entry Flow
Enhanced the manual entry process for user comparable sales, providing a streamlined workflow for users to input data directly.

•Upload Comp File Flow
Create the flow for uploading user comps when the user has a csv file with the required template.

Allowing Partial Reports to Generate

•Adding partial generation of an Insight on the API
ome dependencies fail, causing the report to fail. We want to communicate to users the reason a report is failing, as opposed to a generic “Report Failed.”.

•”API” Handle Failed Dependencies when Concurrent
Prevent users running into a race condition if they start multiples regenerations for specific data sections.

•UI to Support Partial Generation of an Insight
The user interface should visually identify which part of an insight wasn’t able to be generated.

•Partial Insights UI: Regenerate button
Create a button that will retry all failed dependencies.

Improved Support and Error Handling

•Enhanced Error Handling and Interface Adjustments: Resolved issues related to insufficient tillable land error handling, improved CLU overlay coverage during map panning, and corrected navigation issues.
13974, 13977, 13987, 13992 

Release Numbers

We will be retiring Farm Manager soon. Please contact us with any questions or concerns, and for information about our other agriculture fintech and data solutions that can help you build a more sustainable farm.

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